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Snow & Cold Attribute to Milwaukee Accidents

Dec 08, 2013
A relatively weak snow event unfolded across southern Wisconsin Sunday morning that caused numerous car pile ups on the Milwaukee freeway system. Some parts of Interstate 94 had to be shutdown in order to clean up the accidents.

Around 10:00am, a lake effect snow band moved ashore across Racine, Milwaukee and eastern Waukesha counties. The recent cold weather allowed for snow to accumulate at a faster pace than plow trucks could remove the snow. The trucks that applied the salt to the roads, initially had a hard time melting the snow due to temperatures hovering around 19-22 degrees. These conditions combined with inpatient drivers attributed to numerous car accidents, injuries and unfortunately fatalities.

Interstate 43 - Car Accident - New Berlin, WisconsinSnow covered on Interstate 894 - December 8, 2013Snow covered roads on Interstate 43 - Milwaukee County - December 8, 2013

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